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Jack Wadsworth - Bass, Bobby King - Trombone & Percussion, David Hughes - Trumpet & Guitar, John (Rick) Siebman - Lead Guitar & Harmonica, Robert Toomer - Drums and Bill Hartman - Piano & Synthesizer
Jack Wadsworth - Bass, Bobby King - Drums, David Hughes - Guitar & Trumpet, Frank Cagigal - Organ and John (Rick) Siebman III- Lead Guitar
THE SHADES 1974 (later changed to ALEXIS)
A rock and soul dance band that performed in night clubs in Dallas, Fort Worth, Arlington, Amarillo Texas and in Lawton, OK. Members were Jack Wadsworth - bass, vocals & saxophone, Bobby King - drums, David Hughes - trumpet, rhythm guitar & vocals, Frank Cagigal - organ and John (Rick) Siebman III - lead guitar, harmonica & vocals. At one point Robert Toomer was added on drums and Bobby King switched to Trombone and other percussion instruments as well as some drums making it a six piece group. Also Frank Cagigal left the group and was replaced by Bill Hartman on Piano and Synthesizer and the group's name was changed to Alexis.